As some of you may have noticed, Occupation: Mom was on hiatus for awhile. I wasn't happy with how things were going....The stories I told were funny and true, but it was also a good wake up call for myself. Reading those stories made me realize that I needed to make some changes in my life and in my parenting style. I don't want to be that mom. I don't want my kids to swear and be weirdos in public. It's hilarious, yes, but what are the long term effects of allowing my children to be the fodder for my comedic stories? = future serial killers? I for one, don't want to find out! So my new page will still be Occupation: Mom, it will still be funny and cute, I'll still talk about my kids, but I will focus less on the embarrassing/hilarious and more on the actual things that we do - Homeschooling (I'll post lesson plans, and anecdotes for those who are interested in homeschooling their own kids, or for those who want to laugh at how much smarter Shea is than I am....) Couponing - (I'll brag about how much money I saved, how I did it and how cool I think I am when I score super awesome deals) and other details of our home life - crafts we made, recipes I tried, DIY things we tried around the house - basically a more holistic look at the lives of the Pipers. I hope we make you laugh and think, try some new things, and I hope that you think we are as super awesome as we think we are. Enjoy!
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